Thursday, December 9, 2010
BYU Divine Comedy
Please watch this. SO FREAKING FUNNY!
Monday, December 6, 2010
Julia's 20's Themed Party
My awesome make up and hair job done by my little sister Tamirrah. I felt like twisted steel and sex appeal :)
I was dressed as a girl Mafia member.
Duck Race duckies. I love Julia's attention to detail. 20's themed ducks even!
My Flapper Girl Hostess! I love you Julia! Thanks for a great party where we got to dress up.
A little blurry but I love my Julia friend!
People pay lots of money for what I have naturally lol jk. I just loved the whole costume. Maybe I could pull it off for a day at class, what do you think?
Julia's party was a blast. The best part, of course, was being able to dress up. It's one of my favorite things to do. Can't wait for your next party Julia!
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Dreaming of Fate . . .
Do I really believe in fate? Not really, no. I think life is all about choices you make and the simplest thing can alter your course. At the same time I feel like the Fates must be messing with me because no matter what I do, regarding him, nothing seems to work out.
Yes I lied to you all when I said I was over him. For that I apologize. At the same time I have not been speaking to him as much, as I promised Bobby, so I've been thinking of him less. Even so, when I see him I can't help but smile and be very happy.
On that stupid note, this is why Fate is messing with me: Julia's Christmas party! I've been looking forward to this for over a month. My car broke, my parents car isn't working, I have no way up there. . . oh wait! I do! I can ask him on a date! I'll take him out for Japanese, his favorite, pay for gas, and he can drive. It's perfect!
A simple text: "You staying in town this weekend?". His response ruins everything. . . as usual. "No. I'm going home Friday after school to help my mom."
He's sweet like that :)
But my plans go up in smoke.
The next tactic! Since I can't take him on a date I'll hang out with him. International Movie Night at the College. They were showing Tora-San, a Japanese Comedy.
I ask him, he comes, we sit in the auditorium only to be told the sound isn't working and the movie won't be showing. So after 15 minutes we part ways. I go do homework and he goes home.
Hmmm . . . well that sucks.
So in the space of one week the Fates refuse me my wish of spending time with him. All my planning, preparing, and anticipating ended up being for nothing, as usual when it comes to this kid.
Perhaps I should give up? Is what you're all thinking at this point, right? IT SHALL NOT BE! Taleah Elizabeth Cox NEVER gives up! You can't change how you feel. Will I hope it goes away on it's own accord and leaves me the hell alone though? Yes I will.
And, knowing the Fates, I will get over him, move on, then, and only THEN, will he start to like ME.
Oh cruel Fates. You make a romantic comedy of my life which is not at all entertaining. Frankly it's a Box Office let down in my opinion. But I posted this for everyone else's amusement. Maybe you like the show more than me. Popcorn anyone?
Monday, November 22, 2010
It doesn't get better than this!
Ladies and gentlemen, I have a question!
What's better than finding out your horrible ex boyfriend might lose his job?
Any takers?
Finding out he might lose his job and that he went crawling back to his horrible ex wife! BAHAHA!!!! They suit each other :)
Want to know how he manipulated her into agreeing to let him move in with her if he losses his job? He said he wants to have another baby with her! And she bought it! BAHA!
. . . I'm pretty evil right now lol. I am getting SO much joy out of their stupidity! Karma is a beyoch!
Saturday, November 13, 2010
Castle Love!
So, as a personal refuge from heartbreak I bought Castle Season 1. I've heard about it from Naomi and that she loved it a lot but I've only ever seen part of an episode. So, on a whim I bought the first season for $17.
First season, 10 episodes, an hour each. . . I watched them all yesterday.
Richard Castle *sigh of love* was exactly what I needed for heartbreak. He's completely opposite of the stupid guy who I hate his butt face right now so I was able to completely forget about everything.
The show was intense, had slight hints of romance, and gut rolling funny! Trying to guess all the killers was fun too because every show has a twist! And the best part: EVERY SHOW ENDS HAPPY! They always catch the bad guy, they always save the day, and sometimes it ends completely unexpected.
Castle's relationship with his mother and daughter was great. It's so nice to see a show where a dad really acts like a kid and is a good dad at the same time. The main characters all have their problems, their flaws, their selfishness but that's what makes them even more amazing to watch.
Castle <3's Beckett!
. . . I bought season 2 this morning on ebay. . .
Thursday, October 21, 2010
A master of disguises
Me, at the Japanese Street Festival this Summer. I ended up giving this picture to my mom to put on her wall of all her kids. I was having the best day ever so my smile was very genuine :) Those types of smiles are the best for pictures.
On my way to horse back riding lessons, which I ended up quitting because the teacher was creepy. . . anyways. Probably the only time in my life when I wore a cowboy hat was during this time. I call this one "Hat Rays".
I was invited to a Murder Mystery Dinner. The only problem, my character was a guy! I was Les, the white boy wanna be Hawaiian guy. I did my makeup myself and had a blast with it! I got to make stoner jokes the whole time because my character was a pot head lol.
. . . no comment. . .
I'm a Mermaid! Tamirrah, my little sister, is the mad skilled makeup artist on this one. We did a fantasy photo shoot in the bathtub :)
This is the most recent. It was for Anime Banzai 2010. I did my eyes "Anime" style. They came out looking pretty big and very green :)
Yay green eyes!
I really like this one because my natural hair color is coming back and I'm starting to embrace it again.
. . . I like to pull faces if you couldn't tell.
Halloween 2009. I was a Geisha! This was probably one of my favorite costumes of all time. I had a blast with it and realized that I have really pretty shaped lips :)
Again, I love my lips!
Ahhh the Goggles picture! This one I took just this Summer. David, my little brother, and I had an epic battle over these Goggles. He surrendered them to me out of kindness lol. I love them.
This is me, as an "Angry Anime Character". See how my nose practically vanished in the flash? I am Anime! Hehe.
My all time favorite haircut. . . which I still basically have now. But this was the first time I did the cut so it was super special then. Julia, I'm still excited for that painting!
I encourage everyone to see their inner beauty. I know some people who, when they look at a picture of themselves, have nothing but negative things to say. "My hair looks bad, I hate my smile, my teeth aren't straight, my nose is too big, I hate my chin" etc. I don't get it. To me everyone has something beautiful about them. Give it a shot! Take some pictures of yourself and really look at them. Look for things you like about your face and ignore the things you dislike. Learn to love your body!
Hope you guys give it a try :)
Saturday, October 16, 2010
Check this out.
Many of these books I have read and they have moved me. Animal Farm, Song of Solomon, Uncle Tom's Cabin, Lord of the Flies, . . . You will NEVER make me regret reading these books!
Sunday, October 3, 2010
I love reading!
But for all those readers out there, I definitely have a book for you!
Wings, the first of a planned 4 book series, is a modern day fairy tale about a girl named Laurel who discovers she's a faerie. (Frankly I'm not partial to the spelling choice of the word fairy but to each their own I guess.)
Laurel learns about herself, makes a wonderful guy friend and reconnects with a male faerie friend, who is much more interested in her than just a friend.
The story was very cute and right after I finished it I wanted the next book. It has a nice blend of fantasy, romance, and for sure comedy. I talk to all those in the house who have read it and asked which of the guys they prefer for Laurel. David, the human, or Tamani (Tam for short) the faerie. Personally, I won't say who I prefer since I've only read the first book :)
Wings came out May in 2009 and Spells, the second book, came out this May of 2010. Two more books to come over the next few years. . . sadly Bobby has again gotten me addicted to a book series that isn't completed. Blast.
But, if any of you need a quick escape and an easy read I do recommend Wings.
Happy reading!
Saturday, September 18, 2010
Japan is calling!
Saturday, September 4, 2010
Who do you betray?
You think the truth might hurt them. Maybe it wont though. They are smart, they know not to trust them, yet they do it anyway. If you tell them, for the millionth time not to do what they're doing, will they listen? Will this small bit of information, so minuscule to the big picture, seriously be the feather that tips the scale?
But the person that gave you this information swore you to secrecy. To tell that person would be to cause damage to the mole's personal life.
So who do you betray? The friend who's making a horrible mistake or the friend who helped you to know the mistake that's being made?
. . . I choose to stand by the Mole. Maybe just this once.
Again, they know what they're doing is a bad choice. So I guess in the future, when all this crap hits the fan and it becomes known that I knew about all of it, I will have this blog to turn to in order to defend myself.
Although I have decided I still feel like I'm betraying my friend . . . It's not fair, this situation, in a whole, and it bothers me personally more than it should. They deserve so much more then them. Why can't they see it? And if they do see it, as they claim to, why don't they act like it?
Why are people so self damaging?
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Madina Lake: Matthew Leone
First off, the lead singer, Nathan, was barefoot and climbing all over the barriers between the stage and the crowd. He was right down with the fans, singing, holding their hands, all involved, and ignoring the security guards who are usually against fans touching the musicians. The next thing I noticed was his freakishly huge mouth when he sang! lol I'm not joking, this skinny little guy has some vocal chords and a huge mouth to match. He had such positive energy that, although I'd never heard of the band before, I stopped to watch. I then noticed the other band members. The bassist, Matthew, was the identical twin brother of the lead singer. The band was so amazing that I started to wish I had known them before that moment because I so wanted to sing along. After one of their many songs Nathan introduced all the band, saying their names and where they were from. He then said: "On three, scream your names! One! Two! Three!" He held the mic out to the crowd and everyone yelled their names, including me. Nathan then announced: "Now we're best friends!" He proceeded to thank everyone for their support and they sang a few more songs before leaving the stage.
I really wanted to meet them but the line to their tent was too long and security had to cut it off so the band could leave but I ended up buying their 2 CDs because of this encounter. I've been a huge fan ever since.
So it shocked me when I checked their site, which I haven't done for a while, and saw the most horrible news. Matthew was attacked!
He was walking on a Chicago street and came upon a domestic dispute where a husband was beating his wife in public. Matthew stepped in and defended the woman, he knew neither of them, and ended up having the husband turn on him. He's now suffering from brain and facial injuries and has already had one surgery.
The worst news is that Matthew doesn't have insurance. So many bands have gathered together to play and all of the money is going to Matthew. They are also doing an auction on ebay for many different collector items, provided by other bands, signed CD's and shirts etc.
I wish I lived closer to Chicago so I could attend one of the concerts :(
I seriously teared up when I read about Matthew being attacked. This band is awesome and you can tell from his actions that Matthew is an amazing person!
I wish him a fast recovery and the ability to still perform because he's such a talented person! All my love to Madina Lake and the family/friends of Matthew in this trying time.
Go to their site for more info:
Monday, August 16, 2010
NPH love!
There are few men as adorable as Neal Patrick Harris. He simply pulls off nerdy, reclusive, and strangely irresistible with ease!
. . . too bad his partner David Burtka saw it too :(
Anyways! I can swoon over gay men, it's all good lol.
But in a happy note, NPH is going to be a dad! He and David are having a surrogate mother give birth to their twins, a boy and a girl! Yay fatherhood!
I simply felt like posting about Neal and his awesomeness. Here's to twins! Cheers!
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Oil and Water
We are oil and water, an impossible combination.
I, water, knew this from the start.
But you, oil, seemed determined.
You overflowed me with you, desperate to fuse.
You refused to see, no matter how much you shook us,
mixed us, and attempted to blend us together.
We would never work, never bond.
The ingredients become useless when combined.
Water becomes impure and
oil loses it's heat.
I will always flow and you will always burn.
This won't, can't, change.
We parted, shedding ourselves of any remnant of the encounter.
And after this moment I will never again think of
oil and water becoming one.
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Voice Actors
Sunday, July 11, 2010
Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing
Posted is a link to the MoTab singing this on youtube and also the lyrics because your soul will want to sing along!
1. Come, Thou Fount of every blessing,
Tune my heart to sing Thy grace;
Streams of mercy, never ceasing,
Call for songs of loudest praise.
Teach me some melodious sonnet,
Sung by flaming tongues above.
Praise the mount! I'm fixed upon it
Mount of Thy redeeming love.
2. Here I raise my Ebenezer;
Hither by Thy help I've come;
And I hope, by Thy good pleasure,
Safely to arrive at home.
Prone to wander, Lord I feel it.
Prone to leave the God I love;
Here's my heart, O take and seal it;
Seal it for Thy courts above.
3. Jesus sought me when a stranger,
Wandering from the fold of God;
He, to rescue me from danger,
Interposed His precious blood.
Prone to wander, Lord I feel it.
Prone to leave the God I love;
Here's my heart, O take and seal it;
Seal it for Thy courts above.
4. O to grace how great a debtor
Daily I'm constrained to be!
Let Thy goodness, like a fetter,
Bind my wandering heart to Thee;
Prone to wander, Lord I feel it,
Prone to leave the God I love;
Here's my heart, O take and seal it;
Seal it for Thy courts above.
Ahhh, sweet spirit. I hope you felt it too :)
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
It's been such a long time!
It's funny, when you don't blog for a long time you realize there's so much to say! And yet. . . when you come to do it all the stories have piled up and you realize no one will read that much! So instead you write nothing and hope they will check your facebook instead, which, lets face it, you ALWAYS update!
Why is that?
Things here in life are great! It's amazing how time flies! School will be starting soon and I would be a liar if I said I'm not scared. Maybe nervous is a better word.
I guess I wanted to post something but I really have nothing to say. SO, because of all the fun I've had lately, I will post a shout out to my great friends! You know who you are! Thank you for making me laugh and for always being there for me! I love you all very much and am glad I finally found true friends!
Until further blogs!
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
Thursday, June 3, 2010
Anime Obsessed!
Monday, May 17, 2010
BEST . . . GIFT . . . EVER!!!!
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Motivational note to self
Taleah, you are going back to school in the Fall and this is to help you on your tough days:
No matter how hard it gets, with the homework, the student loans, the anxiety for the finals and tests, it can never get as bad as Iworks. If you don't want to spend the rest of your life at a dead end job, working for The Man, then GET AN EDUCATION!
Freaking go back to school and don't you dare b**** about it for one second!
It could always be worse! You could be in a cubicle, working 8 hours a day, answering calls, being screamed at for something that was never your fault, going home feeling like you wasted a whole day and fulfilling nothing in that time! Don't waist another 2 1/2 years on a dead end job! Go to school, start a career, and freaking love every moment of it!
Sometimes, I need to kick my own butt into focus :)
Thursday, May 6, 2010
Another Survey :)
Name: Taleah Elizabeth Cox
Birthday: May 4, 1987
Birthplace: Salt Lake City Utah
Zodiac Sign: Tarus
Shoe size: 7 1/2-8. . . I actually think my feet are getting bigger! :(
Skinny/Average/Pleasantly plump/Fat: Uhhh. . .muscular and stocky. I wish I was slender! But I do love my hourglass figure. I feel hot!
Righty/Lefty: Righty. But I like lefties :) I have many in my family.
Can you afford to lose weight: Of course! Most people can.
Fave part of your body: My mouth.
Least fave part of your body: My stomach.
Fave part of the opposite sex: I like skinny guys. Not string beans but healthy skinny. I also have a thing for hands. . . weird I know.
Biggest turn-on: Talent. I LOVE watching people do whatever it is they are good at. Be it art, singing, acting, dancing, playing an instrument etc. I love it.
Biggest turn-off: Bad hygiene.
Describe the perfect date: Lots of dates can be perfect, it just depends on who your with. I really like to have lots of laughs though. So something fun and some alone time.
Top 4 qualities you look for in the opposite sex: This just recently changed so I'm trying to be a good girl and focus on good boys now. So, for now, I'm looking for: Active member, RM, gentleman, and a kind person.
First Kiss: I was 16, he was my boyfriend at the time and my first love.
Are you dating anyone: Nope :)
If not, do you wish you were: Right now, I'm ok with being single.
Current Crush: Some dude who doesn't like me as more then a friend. Baka lol.
If someone really liked you would you want them to tell you: It depends. Sometimes both people know that there is nothing more then friendship. And other times it's painful to feel romantic feelings and not know if they aren't returned. Personally I think it's better to be honest if you want more there then just friendship.
Long distance relationship or no relationship: Depends on the person. I know that long distance relationships can work but usually it's better to carry on with life unless you know that person is the right one.
Coke or Pepsi: Both, depending on my mood and whatever is available.
Cars or Trucks: Both, depending on what I'm doing.
Cats or Dogs: Dogs. I love both but I prefer dogs.
Hot or Cold: Cold. I would rather be a little chilly then sweating.
Pants or shorts: Pants
Long sleeves or short sleeves: Long.
What are you wearing right now: Jeans, my teal jacket, and my purple tank top. It's comfy :)
What are you listening to: My TL help one of my coworkers.
If you could have one wish, what would it be: To see Phantom of the Opera with Michael Crawford staring as The Phantom.
What is your favorite season: Fall
What is your favorite type of music: Rock :)
Have you ever been in love: Yes.
How many times: I'm not sure. There are different levels of love so it's hard to pinpoint. I guess, technically, I've been IN love deep enough to marry someone with 2 people. One was my fiance and another was the boy I lived with. Neither of them did I marry and I'm glad for it.
Do you like camping: Yes. I love the outdoors. Roughin' it for a night or two!
Do you like theme parks: Yes! I love them! I love roller coasters.
Indoors or outdoors: It depends on what I want to do. If I could do all my indoor stuff outdoors the world would be perfect!
Favorite type of movie: I like psychological movies that make me think. But, like any girl, I enjoy a good love story too.
3 names you might name your son: I only have one boy name picked out and I'm not sure I'm going to use it anymore. But the name I like is Nylic.
3 names you might name your daughter: Again, I don't have 3 names picked out, just two, and they are negotiable. Catsey Caroline and Lillyonna Jane.
How many kids do you want to have: I'm thinking I want 4. Two boys and two girls. That way they all have a brother and a sister. And if I can pop out two sets of twins that would be even better!
What age do you want to get married: With how old I am now I think 25 is a good age to get married.
What age do you want to have your first kid: Maybe around 28.
Do you have any siblings: Yes! I have 12 siblings.
What pets do you have: Tarah's dog, Zelly.
T.V. or computer: Computer, with internet.
Do you play an instrument: I used to play the clarinet.
Do you speak more than one language: I wish! I'm starting to study Japanese.
What are your 3 favorite sports: Basketball, Football, and Martial arts. . . if it's a sport. lol
How many posters are on your wall: Two! I just put them there this morning! They were birthday presents from Bobby and Megan. Two New Moon posters. One with all the Cullens and another with all the Werewolfs. :)
Hardwood floor or carpet in your bedroom: I don't understand. Is this asking what I have or what I would prefer? I have carpet and I prefer it that way but this question still isn't very clear.
Is your room messy or tidy: Normally I try to keep it clean but right now it's a little messy.
Would you let your crush in your room: Uhhh. . . probably. It would feel awkward though I'm sure. It wouldn't be so bad if I didn't feel like my room was messy.
Top 5 favorite foods: I love Italian and Chinese/Japanese food. Junk food wise I love pizza and french fries and my all time favorite thing is bread :)
Have you been on stage in the last month: No but I love to perform.
How many best friends do you have: Right now I feel like I have. . . probably 4. Megan, Julia, Naomi, and Bobby. They are the bestest!
Would you rather go to the movies or rent a movie: Go to the movies! I love being in a room full of people, all laughing about the same thing.
When was your last date: Jeeze! Who knows! I haven't been asked on a date in YEARS! I have had casual spur of the moment hang outs with Trevor where we went to a dance. But that wasn't a date.
3 favorite things to do at home: Use the internet and check all my stuff, read in bed, and sleep.
Swimming in the ocean or a pool: Although I hate the salt taste I would rather swim in the ocean. I like riding the waves.
Are you confident: I hope so. I feel confident so I hope others can see that I am. What do you think?
Do you like to take risks: Not usually. I like to have a sure thing when I try for something most of the time. But I love adventure. . . . but I don't really think they're the same things.
Favorite subject in high school: English.
Least favorite subject in high school: Math. Hugentobler is, still and always will be, without a doubt the most worthless brain dead teacher there has ever been.
Clothes shopping or grocery shopping: Clothes! You spend more but you get to keep what you buy!
Say one extra thing about yourself: I'm feeling kind of restless today. . . but happy.
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
It's strange that dreams can make everything seem so real.
It's interesting that you can wake up from a dream and have such strong emotions towards whoever was in your dream. So strong that you might be mad at them, uncomfortable around them, and/or twitter patted.
It's frightening that I can wake from my nightmares and still see the horrible images standing in my room for a few seconds.
And more then anything, it's freeing to have wonderful stories and tales conveyed to me through my dreams that become the inspiration for my books.
All of this sparked because of a wonderful dream that will probably never come true.
But even if it still was just a dream, he reached for my hand first.
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Shot Down
Friday, April 16, 2010
About Me-Survey
Name: Taleah Elizabeth Cox
Nickname(s): Elizabeth, Leah, Te-Te, Le-Le, and Tal.
Age: 22
Birthday: May 4, 1987
Birthplace: Salt Lake City
Current Location: The 7th Circle of Hell (work)
Eye Color: Olive Green
Hair Color: Light Brown
Height: 4'11
Weight: :( 150
Lefty or Righty: Righty, but I like Lefties lol
Zodiac Sign: Tarus
What Do You Drive: My feet right now
Screenname: shortynme
Color: Green
Number: 9 and 0
Music Genre: Rock and angry chick music lol
TV Show: Anime's lol
Movie: I have lots. V for Vendetta, Anna and the King, The Matrix, and Slumdog Millionaire.
Food: Pasta!
Ice Cream: Mint chocolate chip
Drink: Water first and then Orange Soda
{---Do You---}
Have any siblings: Yes, 12 of them: Hannah, Chris, Tarah, Tanith, Aaron, Trent, Zac, Tamirrah, Chantry, David, Destinee, and Timmy.
Have any pets: It's Tarah's but I love her still, Zelly!
Have a job: Sadly yes. Currently it's sucking my soul from my eyes this moment.
Have any special talents or skills: I love to write! And I have martial arts skills!
Have any fears: The older I get the more scared I become of things, which is really backwards to me. Things that didn't freak me out as a kid now give me the hibby jeebies. Like bugs *shivers* Anyways. Other than stupid crap like that I'm afraid of needles, ghosts, and sometimes the dark. My imagination is too active to be in the dark alone for a long time lol.
Have a bedtime: When my head hits the pillow!
Sing in the shower: Sometimes. Just last night I was singing "Good Night My Someone" from the music man. Sang it about three times lol.
Get along with your parents: Not too well.
Have any piercings: Just my ears once.
Have any tattoos: Yep, the Kanji symbol for family on the back of my neck.
Swear: When I'm mad or funny lol.
{---Love & All That Crap---}
Ever been in love: Yes.
Ever cheated on a boyfriend: NO!
Are you single: Currently yes. And I'm ok with that :)
Do you have a crush on someone: Yes I do. He's adorable
Ever been dumped: Once. He was kind of a jerk about it too.
Ever dumped someone: Yes. I was kind of a jerk about it too lol.
{---This or That---}
Fruit or Vegetable: Depends on what it is.
Black or White: Usually black.
Lights on or lights off: . . . for what? You perverts lol.
TV or Movie: Movie. I hate waiting for next episodes.
Car or Truck: I've never owned a truck but I like driving them so we'll go with that.
Cash or Card: Card!
Rock or Rap: Rock! Rap is like word vomit all over the faces of your audience. Blegh!
Chocolate or Vanilla: chocolate!
French Toast or French Fries: Ohh! That's hard! I pass!
Strawberries or Blueberries: Strawberries.
Cookies or Muffins: Cookies
Winter or Spring Break: Spring
Hugs or Kisses: Depends on who it is but I love both.
{---Have You Ever---}
Danced in a public place: All the time! lol
Smiled for no reason: Constantly!
Laughed so hard you cried: That's one of my favorites.
Talked to someone you don't know: Yes! That's how you make new friends.
Drank alcohol: No.
Done drugs: Once, I was 11 and didn't know what I was doing and TRIED (mind you) pot lol. I cried when I found out what I had did lol.
Partied 'til the sun came up: I'm a real party animal! lol Anime and friends!
Gotten a ticket: No.
Been arrested: Nope :)
Been in a wreck: Only a few fender benders. Nothing serious or my fault.
Been out of the country: No *sad face* :(
{---Random & Silly Junk---}
Are you a virgin: Sadly no.
Ever TP'd someone's house: A few times.
Ever egged someone's house: Don't think so. . .
How many languages do you speak: One.
Who do you compare yourself to: No one. I like who I am. If I compare myself I'll never be satisfied because the other person isn't me and I'm not them.
Ever regret anything: Of course.
Do you like being tickled: Not very much.
What are you goals: Go back to school, get my books published, and live a good life!
Are you fingers tired: No. I type all day at work. This is cake.
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Moroccan Belly Dancing
Maybe being a graceful Belly Dancer will help me become more feminine since my martial arts scares all the boys away! lol
Monday, April 5, 2010
Doki Doki!
Friday, April 2, 2010
My nephew rocks!
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Oh sweet captivity!
My writing spirit is on a leave of absence for an unknown amount of time.
I'm actually really quite sad about that. . . :(
So, because of my mind being occupied with MULTIPLE stories at once, I decided to post them on here so I won't forget them. Also, if you guys express interest in them maybe I'll have more motivation :)
First a foremost, my absolute favorite and most loved story is The Vampire's Bouquet.
This one is finished besides a few revamping and. . . possible slimming down lol. Naomi knows, it's WAY TOO LONG! Anyways. This one just needs the last few finishing touches before I shove it into an editors lap and possibly a publishing company all in one. Sadly, because this story has taken 10 some odd years to finish, I'm afraid all my other stories will never live up to this one. This story is like the oldest child, the first grand baby of the family. All the following stories will never be as talented or as loved. . . at least in my own worries lol.
Next is one that I've actually written quiet a lot of and posted on Deviant Art: Last Wish of an Angel. This was just supposed to be a for fun kind of short story but the more I write of it the more I want to actually make a book of it. It's a really unique story that I absolutely love. This one is about an angel, Tidus, who works for God as a Guider. He guides the souls of the dead to either Heaven or Hell. But, on a bad luck day, he chains his soul to that of a live girl who he had presumed was dead. Because of this, he's stuck living with her until the date of her actual death, since their souls are connected. This is really a funny story but I also think I might have made the character a little too melodramatic. So this is one I want to revamp completely and make a little more real. I love Tidus, FYI, he's awesome :)
Dragon Fruit
This one I've only done a few chapters of. It's about a girl who, as an infant, is given Dragon Fruit, the magical fruit grown by the Dragons that enables a person to be able to have children. The girl is just a normal every day person who didn't know about the existence of dragons until her 17th birthday when her betrothed, the Dragon Lord, comes to collect her. This is a REALLY mushy romantic, kind of Julia-esq book (it was going to have some hot scenes for you friend lol). So I'm still mulling over the idea of doing this one.
Eight Freaks
This is a book that will take me a lot of research to do, which is possibly why I'm postponing it. This is, without a doubt, the ONLY serious, non romantic book I will probably ever write! lol I came up with the idea after a way cool dream I had. It's going to be very psychological and cover personality social disorders that people have. It's all about the government, brainwashing, and control. This whole big conspiracy theory kind of book. This is one that I feel, once finished, would do very well because of the theme behind it. It would be generated for adults. I've only typed up the part of the dream I could remember of this, three pages at most. The rest, I would have to create myself.
Unnamed book
The last story floating around in my noggin still doesn't have a name. I posted the first chapter of it. . . or possibly the first part of the first chapter lol. . . on my blog a few days ago. I wanted to do this one because it's very Naomi-esq. With the characters true colors only being shown at the end. . . Bwhahaha! Anyways. I'll get to it. . . lol.
With the list of books now, looking over them, I think the ones that I should actually do are: The Vampire's Bouquet, Eight Freaks, and Last Wish of an Angel. The other two can wait for now. . . Sadly, the other two are for my friends, focusing on the kinds of books they like to read . . . I'm sorry Julia and Naomi! I haven't forgotten you! lol
So, I need to finish The Vampire's Bouquet, since it's pushing 800+ pages. . . boo. And send that in. Next, I would probably work on Last Wish of an Angel, since I already have a layout done. Then I should do Eight Freaks because, lets face it, I would have a REALLY hard time writing a book with no romance in it! lol But at the same time I feel that this book will be very influential and deep. So I WANT to do it so badly!
Oh great writing gods of awesomeness! Send me a writing mood so that I can finish all these blasted books that are haunting my ever thought! :D Jk jk.
Friday, March 26, 2010
The Art of the Steal
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Book idea
Anyways. Here's the chapter. Let me know what you think.
Chapter one
I was born in the Spring, in April, when there was a heavy shower of rain, late at night. My father often told me the story of how my mother, may she rest in peace, died during child labor. I think he told me this in order for me to honor my mother's memory. He didn't understand that I already did honor her, she died to give me life. The story of my birth was painful to me. Each time my father spoke of it I almost heard a hint of regret in his voice. She had died for, the heir to his throne, me. It seemed that my father didn't think the trade off was worth it.
I was to be the next king of Fairport, the kingdom of which I lived. It was a beautiful place with high walls circling the grounds. My father always said I would ascend his throne, always naming it as his property. Even when he talked about dying he would claim the throne. Always something like: “When I die you will rule on my throne”. It gave me the idea that I was just to keep the seat warm until he decided to come back. Knowing my father he honestly believed that if Heaven was boring he would be able to stroll back down to earth, as though he had only decided to take a short vacation.
The neighboring kingdom, Greenville, had been enemies with our kingdom for as long as anyone could remember. They were 100 miles away, separated by easy road and a long flat meadow which was considered no mans land. My kingdom wanted their land and Greenville wanted our land. No one built in the meadow, to do so would be to invite war. But that didn't stop the two kingdoms from plotting if there was every a good opportunity. Which is why it was so important for my father to have an heir.
He had me trained in the art of war, preparing me for the inevitable betrayal of our enemies the Royce family. The Royce's were the royal family in Greenville and Father was certain that one day they would come and try to steal our kingdom out from under us. I trained with all kinds of weapons, mastering everything I could, including hand to hand combat.
My father also insured my education, having me attend personal tutors all week long. I was education in a wide variety of subjects and forced to read hundreds of books. I was knowledgeable about many things, I grasped the subjects easily, but I wasn't deeply interested in any one subject.
I am a confident person but quiet. I am capable of speaking my mind but mostly I tried to keep my comments to myself. When I do speak my thoughts I'm told I'm outspoken, usually offending someone around me with my opinion. I have been known to be stubborn and more than once I have head people describe me as arrogant. I don't believe I'm arrogant I just find people annoying and most of the time unintelligent.
Despite my years of training in combat I am small. I was 5'7 with a slender build, my legs and arms long. My face is also thin and I had high cheekbones with straight small lips and a slender nose. Sometimes I feel that everything about me is small. My hair is short, the tips in the front hanging just to the middle of my forehead, and a dark red-brown color. My eyes are gray blue and framed by light brown eyebrows and eyelashes. My skin tone is fair, I didn't tan easily, and spotless.
I'm not anxious about being king someday, I knew I could rule well. I am smart enough to understand my advisers, strong enough to fight off any enemies, and I am charismatic enough to rule my people in confidence.
I'm not afraid, despite knowing that my destiny and life would have been much easier if there was one thing different about me. I should have been born a boy.
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Who to vote for during election
Bishop (GA)
Bishop (NY)
Brady (PA)
Braley (IA)
Brown, Corrine
Carson (IN)
Castor (FL)
Connolly (VA)
Davis (CA)
Davis (IL)
Donnelly (IN)
Edwards (MD)
Frank (MA)
Green, Al
Green, Gene
Hall (NY)
Hastings (FL)
Jackson (IL)
Jackson-Lee (TX)
Johnson (GA)
Johnson, E. B.
Kilpatrick (MI)
Kirkpatrick (AZ)
Klein (FL)
Larsen (WA)
Larson (CT)
Lee (CA)
Lewis (GA)
Lofgren, Zoe
Markey (MA)
McCarthy (NY)
Meek (FL)
Meeks (NY)
Miller (NC)
Miller, George
Moore (KS)
Moore (WI)
Moran (VA)
Murphy (CT)
Murphy, Patrick
Nadler (NY)
Neal (MA)
Pastor (AZ)
Pingree (ME)
Polis (CO)
Price (NC)
Rothman (NJ)
Ryan (OH)
Sánchez, Linda T.
Sanchez, Loretta
Scott (GA)
Scott (VA)
Smith (WA)
Thompson (CA)
Thompson (MS)
Van Hollen
Wasserman Schultz
Wilson (OH)
Adler (NJ)
Barrett (SC)
Barton (TX)
Bishop (UT)
Bono Mack
Brady (TX)
Broun (GA)
Brown (SC)
Brown-Waite, Ginny
Burton (IN)
Coffman (CO)
Davis (AL)
Davis (KY)
Davis (TN)
Deal (GA)
Diaz-Balart, L.
Diaz-Balart, M.
Edwards (TX)
Franks (AZ)
Garrett (NJ)
Gingrey (GA)
Gordon (TN)
Hall (TX)
Hastings (WA)
Herseth Sandlin
Johnson (IL)
Johnson, Sam
Jordan (OH)
King (IA)
King (NY)
Kline (MN)
Lee (NY)
Lewis (CA)
Lungren, Daniel E.
Markey (CO)
McCarthy (CA)
McMorris Rodgers
Miller (FL)
Miller (MI)
Miller, Gary
Moran (KS)
Murphy (NY)
Murphy, Tim
Poe (TX)
Price (GA)
Roe (TN)
Rogers (AL)
Rogers (KY)
Rogers (MI)
Ryan (WI)
Smith (NE)
Smith (NJ)
Smith (TX)
Thompson (PA)
Wilson (SC)
Young (AK)
Young (FL)
Obama signed it this morning. Please Senate, turn it away!
But check this out:
Go Utah! Sue those the government! Lets go V for Vendetta on their butts!