Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Shot Down

Well, I took a chance and told the guy that I like that I was interested in him. . . no go. Pretty sure I cried my eyes out when I got home. He's cool though and says I'm a really good friend so we're staying that way. He was very nice about it so that made it easier too. The thing that made it harder was he was so hot when he turned me down. . . suit, black stripped shirt, and an awesome tie. *Sigh* Stupid jerk lol.
So! In response to the heart break and repentance process I've been through recently, this poem was inspired!

Broken Willow
Apr. 18, 2010
*For those who sin and feel heart break*

Weeping Willow droop down,
Let your vines touch the ground.
Don't reach for the sky,
Don't bask in the sun,
But hang your head
And pray to overcome.

Pray to God for patience and strength.
Know that this pain He will take.
And always look to the time,
When you will become a Heaven reaching Pine.

There we go! What did you guys think? Other then that, for those who will worry, (you know who you are ;D ) I'm fine. Just a little sad and trying to stop crushing on a guy who doesn't like me. . . wow, that just made me depressed lol.

Friday, April 16, 2010

About Me-Survey

Name: Taleah Elizabeth Cox
Nickname(s): Elizabeth, Leah, Te-Te, Le-Le, and Tal.
Age: 22
Birthday: May 4, 1987
Birthplace: Salt Lake City
Current Location: The 7th Circle of Hell (work)
Eye Color: Olive Green
Hair Color: Light Brown
Height: 4'11
Weight: :( 150
Lefty or Righty: Righty, but I like Lefties lol
Zodiac Sign: Tarus
What Do You Drive: My feet right now
Screenname: shortynme
Color: Green
Number: 9 and 0
Music Genre: Rock and angry chick music lol
TV Show: Anime's lol
Movie: I have lots. V for Vendetta, Anna and the King, The Matrix, and Slumdog Millionaire.
Food: Pasta!
Ice Cream: Mint chocolate chip
Drink: Water first and then Orange Soda
{---Do You---}
Have any siblings: Yes, 12 of them: Hannah, Chris, Tarah, Tanith, Aaron, Trent, Zac, Tamirrah, Chantry, David, Destinee, and Timmy.
Have any pets: It's Tarah's but I love her still, Zelly!
Have a job: Sadly yes. Currently it's sucking my soul from my eyes this moment.
Have any special talents or skills: I love to write! And I have martial arts skills!
Have any fears: The older I get the more scared I become of things, which is really backwards to me. Things that didn't freak me out as a kid now give me the hibby jeebies. Like bugs *shivers* Anyways. Other than stupid crap like that I'm afraid of needles, ghosts, and sometimes the dark. My imagination is too active to be in the dark alone for a long time lol.
Have a bedtime: When my head hits the pillow!
Sing in the shower: Sometimes. Just last night I was singing "Good Night My Someone" from the music man. Sang it about three times lol.
Get along with your parents: Not too well.
Have any piercings: Just my ears once.
Have any tattoos: Yep, the Kanji symbol for family on the back of my neck.
Swear: When I'm mad or funny lol.
{---Love & All That Crap---}
Ever been in love: Yes.
Ever cheated on a boyfriend: NO!
Are you single: Currently yes. And I'm ok with that :)
Do you have a crush on someone: Yes I do. He's adorable
Ever been dumped: Once. He was kind of a jerk about it too.
Ever dumped someone: Yes. I was kind of a jerk about it too lol.
{---This or That---}
Fruit or Vegetable: Depends on what it is.
Black or White: Usually black.
Lights on or lights off: . . . for what? You perverts lol.
TV or Movie: Movie. I hate waiting for next episodes.
Car or Truck: I've never owned a truck but I like driving them so we'll go with that.
Cash or Card: Card!
Rock or Rap: Rock! Rap is like word vomit all over the faces of your audience. Blegh!
Chocolate or Vanilla: chocolate!
French Toast or French Fries: Ohh! That's hard! I pass!
Strawberries or Blueberries: Strawberries.
Cookies or Muffins: Cookies
Winter or Spring Break: Spring
Hugs or Kisses: Depends on who it is but I love both.
{---Have You Ever---}
Danced in a public place: All the time! lol
Smiled for no reason: Constantly!
Laughed so hard you cried: That's one of my favorites.
Talked to someone you don't know: Yes! That's how you make new friends.
Drank alcohol: No.
Done drugs: Once, I was 11 and didn't know what I was doing and TRIED (mind you) pot lol. I cried when I found out what I had did lol.
Partied 'til the sun came up: I'm a real party animal! lol Anime and friends!
Gotten a ticket: No.
Been arrested: Nope :)
Been in a wreck: Only a few fender benders. Nothing serious or my fault.
Been out of the country: No *sad face* :(
{---Random & Silly Junk---}
Are you a virgin: Sadly no.
Ever TP'd someone's house: A few times.
Ever egged someone's house: Don't think so. . .
How many languages do you speak: One.
Who do you compare yourself to: No one. I like who I am. If I compare myself I'll never be satisfied because the other person isn't me and I'm not them.
Ever regret anything: Of course.
Do you like being tickled: Not very much.
What are you goals: Go back to school, get my books published, and live a good life!
Are you fingers tired: No. I type all day at work. This is cake.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Moroccan Belly Dancing

It's official, next semester, when I go back to school, I will be taking a Belly Dancing class! I went to this lady's demonstration last night where she taught a bunch of girls the basics. She's a professional Belly Dancer, has been dancing for 17-18 years, and she learned from a Moroccan Princess. She was very funny and super fun to watch.
Maybe being a graceful Belly Dancer will help me become more feminine since my martial arts scares all the boys away! lol

Monday, April 5, 2010

Doki Doki!

It's inevitable.
I'm as awkward and shy as a little girl.
I honestly don't think this will ever pass . . .
I'm worried that I might never feel comfortable.
I'm really nervous and over analyzing ever move I make.

And it's all his fault!

. . . you'd think I'd be better at this since I've done it before.

Friday, April 2, 2010

My nephew rocks!

Kail was reading my graphic novel version of Twilight and described a great interest in the way Anime Edward's hair was. So I offered to do it for him :)
He walked around the house saying: "Your nephew, Edward Cullen style!" About 7 times. He's so cute!